Monday, May 10, 2004

Things I've been listening to a lot over the last week - by Kos...

Slipknot- Duality
Same old same old here, misanthropic lyrics, stop start drums, weird guitar noises, some actual singing and then a SHOUTY chorus it's the usual alienated pants, Corey Taylor basically sings about how he's a bit tired and it's all YOUR fault (who this person is has yet to be established, it's nicely non specific so you can project your Dad, teacher, next door neighbour, team manager (delete as applicable) as being the big bad stopping you from going down to Toshi Station to pick up some power convertors).

Needless to say I LOVE it and have had it on repeat play for the last 2 days and been scouring the music channels to see the video again...

Pixies- Doolittle
Not to venture into heretic country but the Pixies never changed my life, they're a great band but I never pledged undying alleigance to them, when I found out I had a ticket for one of the reunion gigs I was happy but not over the moon. This soon changed with the varying levels of abuse I got off people who didn't have a ticket, always being one to enjoy the misery of others I'm now REALLY excited about going and am rubbing it into the face of those who aren't, HA! suckers...

So anyway, I've been listening to this record pretty much all week and yes it is indeed a classic, I can't really argue about that, 'Debaser' IS the best song ever about slicing someones eyeball and 'Monkey Gone To Heaven' IS a good environmental song but I'm totally in love with 'No13 Baby', the outro is one of the best things the Pixies EVER did (well that and 'Allison').

Top record and it gets a heady 4 Pro Evos out of 5 (my marking system is based on a highly scientific formula of do I like playing Pro Evolution Soccer 3 to it, how many times do I stop a game to listen to a song and how memorable it is as a whole).

Auf Der Maur
Hmph, it's good, just not very memorable, strong start with the first couple of singles but then it gets a bit samey. To be fair though anyone who puts as many RAWK postures into her songs and videos has to be alright, it's like the spirit of Bonnie Tyler lives on...

She's pretty hot though and put up with Courtney Love AND Billy Corgan so obviously she has the patience of a saint or a lot of heavy duty sedatives so this gets a middle of the road 3 Pro Evos.

Hopefully the next album won't rely as much on all her Stoner heros writing and producing her next record, get Susannah Hoffs in and make the metal Bangles album...


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